GEt Quote

Quartz Substrate

As low as $100.00 $0.00
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SKU# 178

Product Detail

CAS No.: 7631-86-9 (silicon dioxide), 7440-21-3 (silicon)

Thickness = 1 mm

The same quartz substrate used for "Single Layer Graphene on Quartz Substrate".

No CVD Graphene on the surface.

Product No. Type Size Thickness Package
CVQZS101 Circular 1 inch 1mm 1pc/pack
CVQZC131 Circular 1 inch 3mm 1pc/pack
CVQZS011 Square 1.5cm x 1.5cm 1mm 1pc/pack
CVQZS012 Square 3.5cm x 3.5cm 1mm 1pc/pack
CVQZS013 Square 7cm x 7cm 1mm 1pc/pack
CVQZS014 Square 2cm x 2cm 1mm 1pc/pack
CVQZS001 Square 1.5cm x 1.5cm 1mm 4pcs/pack
CVQZS002 Square 3.5cm x 3.5cm 1mm 4pcs/pack
CVQZS003 Square 7cm x 7cm 1mm 4pcs/pack

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