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Purified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (OD: <8nm)

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Purified MWNTs (Outer Diameter: <8nm)

Product Detail

CAS-No.: 1333-86-4

1. Preparation Method

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Method

2. Characterizations





Outer Diameter

<8 nm

Inner Diameter

2-5 nm


0.5-2 μm

10-30 μm


>500 m2/g

Tap Density:

0.27 g/cm3


~2.1 g/cm3


>100 S/cm

TEM Purified MWNTs (Length = 0.5-2um)

TEM Image of ACS Material Purified MWNTs (Length = 0.5-2 μm)

SEM Purified MWNTs (Length = 10-30um)

SEM Image of ACS Material Purified MWNTs (Length = 10-30 μm)

TGA Purified MWNTs (L=0.5-2um)

TGA Analysis of ACS Material Purified MWNTs (Length = 0.5-2 μm)

EDS Analysis Purified MWNTs (L=0.5-2um)

EDS Analysis of ACS Material Purified MWNTs (Length = 0.5-2 μm)

3. Application Fields

Catalysts, additives in polymers, nanoelectrodes, drug delivery, sensors, electromagnetic-wave absorption and shielding, electron field emitters for cathode ray lighting elements, flat panel display, gas-discharge tubes in telecom networks, energy conversion, lithium-battery anodes, hydrogen storage, supercapacitors, nanotube composites (by filling or coating), nanoprobes for STM, AFM, and EFM tips, nanolithography, reinforcements in composites, etc.

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