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Product Detail

1. Preparation Method

Solvothermal method

2. Characterizations


Light brown powder

Average diameter


Specific surface area

400-600 m2/g

Porous diameter




Typical TEM Image of ACS Material MIL-101(Fe)

XRD Pattern of ACS Material MIL-101(Fe)

3. Applications

Gas Storage, Adsorption Separation, Ion Exchange, Membrane Separation, Catalysis, Magnetic Materials, Optical Materials, Sensors, Drug Delivery, Biomedical Imaging, Molecular Recognition, Electrochemistry (Supercapacitors, Batteries, Fuel Cells) etc.

4. Storage Conditions

This product takes up water quickly, please be sure to dry it at room temperature and keep sealed, avoid light. Vacuum drying at 100℃ could optimize product performance.

Expiry date: One year if stored in an airtight container.

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